Sunday, August 17, 2008

Alone in Anchorage, Watching Spikey

Everybody has left town for our weekend (sunday/monday) except me. Ryan went north with the sound engineer and his family, while Matt and Geoff went south with our musician friend Bart. I just couldn't handle the prospect of another 8 hour (roundtrip) drive just for the weekend, so I opted to stay put here in Anchorage. Of course, now I'm sorry (sort of,...not really) 'cause I don't have a car till tuesday! But I think I'll rent one tomorrow for a day and do some lonesome sightseeing of my own. As you might know, I'm sort of the quiet one, and like doing my own thing as much as I love hanging out with the boys. As you know, we've had some good parties and adventures while here, but I think this weekend is detox for all! None of us were doing much drinking last night at the show, which is good for a change.

Last night, after the show ended at 3am, I got a bug in my head to go out on the town to see what was going on. I'd heard that there were two bars that stayed open for after hours until about 6am, so being adventurous I decided it was time to check it out. I arrived at the "kodiak" downtown a little after 3, and there was a long line out of the place onto the sidewalk. So I waited and eventually got in after about 15 mins. Turns out this is a mixed gay/straight club with a small cafe in it, but mostly it's just a big dance floor. There were guys and gals of all types dancing right on the bar, as well as a couple of interchanging pole dancers. MY KIND OF PLACE! HaHa! Within a few minutes, I was recognized by a couple of people as the guy from the band! it's so hard to be POP*U*LAR!!!

On our nights off at 'Koots, they have a DJ on our stage and there's often a group of native guys and girls there dancing. I remember one of the guys because of his bleached spikey hair. Didn't think much of it, until last night at the Kodiak bar when all of a sudden there he was-- pole dancing. Same dude. Well, I only bring this up because he was the most athletic pole dancer I think I've ever seen. Starting at the bottom, he slings himself around like a snake, then scales that sucker upside down, all the way to the top, then slinkies back down- Very gracefully, I might add. Clearly someone like this HAS to have a practice pole, eh-hem, at home!


Last night's gig was pretty much the controlled chaos of Saturday nights past. Oddly, the first set was weird as the crowd was VERY quiet with hardly any applause or anything. On the other hand, the room was pretty crowded and the people were watching us perform more than they were in a dancing or partying mood. After hearing the crickets after one of our harder songs, I said to the crowd "come on, godammit, we nailed that tune!!" To which Ryan added, "this is the best Tuesday night we've ever played here!" (it was Saturday!) and then sternly ordered everyone to get their fucking ass to the bar and drink a shot. Well, now you see the secret as to why EastonAshe is SO popular with our audiences! We treat them like shit and they LUV us! Haha!

Of course, by the third set, the whole house is pretty much shit-faced and then the drunk chicks start climbing onto the stage and shakin' it. Ryan loves this, as long as they're hot! My problem is that I'm the big guy on the end slinging the long neck of by Bongo Bass all around, as is my fashion. Sooner or later I always seem to end up clocking one of these poor girls right in the head with the tuning keys of the bass! Sorry! (NOT).

One night, some girl jumped up and was dancing/hanging on Matt while he was playing and he was trying to get her to move out of the way, so he told her to go up on the drum riser and dance next to Geoff. She took one look up there at our hunky drummer and gave him the biggest "poo-poo/NOTHANKS" face I've ever seen! POOR GEOFF! Took him several days to get over that one. Ladies back home, remember to give Geoff some extra lovin' when he gets back to AZ, OKAY?

Finally, during the last set of the night (last night), we were jamming hard on some loud tune, the crowd was jumping up and down and raising hell, when all of a sudden this cute, funky girl, tumbles....umm, no...FLOPS face first onto the stage right at my feet. OUT COLD! Jesus Christ, I was really worried, and looked around for security, but after a few seconds a couple of people scooped her up and took her away- I'm assuming she was OK- just another night at the office for me.

Okay, well, back to my respite for a day or so. Thanks for reading- more soon!

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